The Tombs of Asciiroth - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

The Tombs of Asciiroth

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: The Tombs of Asciiroth 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Adventure & Action 👁️ Visual: Text
🏷️ Category: Adventure & Action ➤ Role-playing game ➤ RPG ➤ Misc. 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Browser game ⏱️ Pacing: Turn-Based
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 2009-07-24 🚦 Status: 05. Tested & Working (status)
📍️ Version: 0.7 ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 🕊️ Libre 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Apache-2.0 ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2013-03-31 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

📦️ Deliverables

📦️ Package name: ..... 📦️ Arch:
📄️ Source: ✓ ..... 📦️ RPM:
⚙️ Generic binary: ✓ ..... 📦️ Deb:
🌍️ Browser version: ✓ ..... 📦️ AppImage:
📱️ PDA support: ..... 📦️ Flatpak:
✨️ Not use: ..... 📦️ Snap:

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 13166

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos t(202xxx) gd(202xxx) gu(202xxx) r(202xxx) lp(202xxx) g(202xxx) g[fr](202xxx) g[de](202xxx) g[ru](202xxx) g[pl](202xxx) g[cz](202xxx) g[sp](202xxx) g[pt](202xxx) g[it](202xxx) g[tr](202xxx)] [WIKI] [FAQ] [RSS] [Changelog 1 2 3]

💰 Commercial
• (empty)

🍩️ Resources
[Adobe AIR archive] [Techspot (Adobe AIR 2.6 for Linux)]

🛠️ Technical informations
[PCGamingWiki] [MobyGames]

🦣️ Social
Devs (Alx Dark [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
The Project: [Blog] [Chat] [Forums] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [reddit] [Discord]

🐝️ Related

📦️ Misc. repositories
[Repology] [] [Generic binary] [Arch Linux / AUR] [openSUSE] [Debian/Ubuntu] [Flatpak] [AppImage(author's repo)] [Snap] [PortableLinuxGames]

🕵️ Reviews
[HowLongToBeat] [metacritic] [OpenCritic] [iGDB]

🕊️ Source of this Entry: [Site (date)]

🦣️ Social Networking Update (on mastodon)

🕹️ Title:
🦊️ What's:
📖 Our entry:

🥁️ Update:
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🦣️ From: 🛜️



📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

A puzzle/adventure game you can play in your browser

The Tombs of Asciiroth is a free, open source game you can play right now in your browser. It has arcade, puzzle and exploration-style game play in an extensive world of font-based abstraction.

If it looks a little old school, it's only because I've been trying to make this game since 1980. But other things kept getting in the way. Hope you have some fun with it.

Play Asciiroth one of two ways:

The Tombs of Asciiroth (Web Version)

The Tombs of Asciiroth (Adobe AIR Version)

📕 Description [fr]

Un RPG non graphique à jouer via un navigateur, par Alx Dark.
En JavaScript/HTML5. Compatible avec Google Chrome et Firefox.

The Tombs of Asciiroth est un RPG non graphique distribué en 2 versions :
• une version en ligne à jouer via votre navigateur internet
• une version desktop (via Adobe AIR)

Son gameplay est un mélange d'arcade, de réflexion et d'exploration, dans un monde vaste et abstrait.
Un éditeur de cartes est disponible sur le site.

🕵️ Test [fr]

🕵️ Test (0.7 via Iceweasel) :
(testé 2 min)
Son graphisme est en fait semi-graphique, un mélange de caractères ASCII (dont le célèbre @) et de curseur/fenêtrage graphique.
Il me semble de très bonne facture.