/** * Action sur un parc (arret - start) * @Version $Id: action_parc_messages.php 8335 2014-12-20 17:22:12Z keyser $ * @Projet LCS / SambaEdu * @auteurs Stephane Boireau - MrT Novembre 2008 * @Licence Distribue selon les termes de la licence GPL * @note * Ajaxification des pings - script parc_ajax_lib.php sur une proposition de Stéphane Boireau * Gestion des infobulles nouvelle mouture Tip et UnTip * Modification des fonctions ts et vnc qui se trouvent desormais dans /var/www/se3/includes/fonc_parc.inc.php * Externalisation des messages dans messages/en/action_parc_messages.php dans un hash global * Messages en anglais */ /** * @Repertoire: parcs/messages/en/ * file: action_parc_messages.php */ $action_parc=array(); $action_parc['pageTitre'] = "Actions on computer equipment"; $action_parc['btnEteindreTitre'] = "Switch off all the computers"; $action_parc['msgConfirmEteindre'] = "Are you sure to switch off this computer equipment ?"; $action_parc['msgConfirmEteindreMachine'] = "Are you sure to switch off this computer "; $action_parc['btnAllumerTitre'] = "Switch on all computers"; $action_parc['btnProgrammerTitre'] = "Schedule"; $action_parc['btnRafraichirTitre'] = "Refresh this page"; $action_parc['arrayStationTitre'] = "COMPUTERS"; $action_parc['arrayIp'] = "IP ADRESS"; $action_parc['arrayEtatTitre'] = "STATUS"; $action_parc['arrayConnexionTitre'] = "CONNECTIONS"; $action_parc['arrayControleTitre'] = "CONTROL"; //============================== $action_parc['btnRebooterTitre'] = "Reboot all computers"; $action_parc['msgConfirmRebooter'] = "Are yous sure to reboot all computers of the parc $parc ?"; $action_parc['msgConfirmRebooterMachine'] = "Are yous sure to reboot this computer ?"; //============================== $action_parc['msgAttendre'] = "Wait please"; $action_parc['msgSelect'] = "Select"; $action_parc['msgSelectParc'] = "Select a computer equipment"; $action_parc['msgNoParc'] = "There is no computer equipment"; $action_parc['msgDelegationAccept'] = "Your delegation is accepted."; $action_parc['msgNoDelegation'] = "You have no delegation on this computer equipment"; $action_parc['msgWaitRefresh'] = "Wait a moment please, so refresh the page the time for the computer to start or stop"; $action_parc['msgNoActions'] = "No scheduled actions today for this computer equipment"; $action_parc['msgShutdownAction'] = "Switch off all computers is scheduled at"; $action_parc['msgPoweronAction'] = "Switch on all computers is scheduled at"; $action_parc['msgUserLogged'] = " is actually logged on this computer"; $action_parc['msgUserIsLogged']=" is actually logged"; $action_parc['msgNoSignal'] = "No signal send