TNGVisualize Entity Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class defining a graphics window for plotting purposes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Function Documentation

Plot the contents of a Matrix

x abscissa values, must be one-dimensional (row or column vector)
y ordinate values, values are plotted according to the orientation of x
dotsize size of the plot symbol (0 for none)
type type of plot symbol (0 circle, 1 square, 2 diamond, 3 uptriangle, 4 downtriangle, 5 sphere)
Matrix of size (4,1) containing RGBA values of the plot

Plot the contents of a Matrix, abscissa is computed from index, ordinates are plotted over the larger dimension of s

dotsize size of the plot symbol (0 for none, negative for symbol only, positive for symbol+line)
type type of plot symbol (0 circle, 1 square, 2 diamond, 3 uptriangle, 4 downtriangle, 5 sphere)
Matrix of size (4,1) containing RGBA values of the plot

Plot a single point in 2D

x abscissa
y ordinate
dotsize size of the plot symbol (0 for none)
type type of plot symbol (0 circle, 1 square, 2 diamond, 3 uptriangle, 4 downtriangle, 5 sphere)
Matrix of size (4,1) containing RGBA values of the plot symbol

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Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:36:01 2010 for 'tnggraphics' Module Scripting Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6